Head Phones |
LyricsHEADPHONESRobert Wagneux I live my life inside my headphones there is no place else I'd rather be where I can always get a fresh dose from those who see the world like me I live to live inside my headphones so far away from trumpled noise I sing and dance I feel so tres cool the haven where I find my joy No no no don't try to shape me there's no way you canĀ Oh no no don't try to make me, wake me, shake me, while I'm baking, yeah I'm baking to all my favorite jams YOU preach me - can't teach me, pedantic drones Arrest me and test me to the unknown you ride me and chide me rebut and scold Rebuke me, refute me down to my soul your minus names gets me white hot you like to tell me what I'm NOT But I know, oh I know my way back home I live my life inside my headphones cause it's the only place that's real Where I escape to tend the deep wounds which only I can see and feel REPRISE Don't preach me (section) |
Short Song Description: First line says it all: I live my life inside my headphones |
Long Song Description: Disenfranchised people who are tired and resentful of being "SHEEPLED" They create their own world |
Story Behind the Song: I walk my college campus and I see so many detached young people who avoid socializing |
Lyric Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Music Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Producer Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Publisher Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Performance Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Label Credits: Independent |
Song Length: 3:13 |
Primary Genre: Rock-New Wave |
Secondary Genre: Rock-Punk |
Tempo / Feel: Fast (151 - 170) |
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal |
Subject Matter 1: Existence |
Subject Matter 2: Freedom |
Mood 1: Blissful |
Mood 2: Distressed |
Language: English |
Era: 2000 and later |