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Live In the Moment
(Words and music Robert Wuagneux)
There is no way you can dis me
make me feel less than I am
cause we all come whole and perfect
in God's plan
I live inside each moment there is no such thing as time
My dreams bubble andĀ foment as I get closer to what's mine
How did I ever get so fearful
How did I ever get so blind
There is no way you can dis me
make me feel less than I am
cause we come here whole and perfect
in God's plan
I lived in myth and comfort quite cozy in others' lies
Doing just what they told me I had no peace of mind
When did I ever get so fearful
When did I ever get so blind?

Live in the moment cause there's only now
Live in the moment and begin
You are the center POWER up your mind
The true you is deep within
Live in the moment cause there's only now
Live in the moment and begin
Live in the moment and don't ask how
live in the moment and begin
You feel it moving and you can't sit still,
There's all this welling and you feel so filled
The voices shouting I AM, I CAN, I CAN, I CAN, I CAN, I WILL

I've taken in the lessons I NOW see WHO I AM
I'm counting all my blessings my life is my own JAM

No longer am I sad and fearful I'm in control of my own mind
Live in the moment cause there's only now
Live in the moment and begin
Short Song Description:
LIVE in the MOMENT!!!!
Long Song Description:
So many people do not realize that it is they who have to WAKE UP to their OWN POWER and LIVE in the MOMENT
Story Behind the Song:
Take control of your life WAKE UP
Lyric Credits: Robert Wuagneux
Music Credits: Robert Wuagneux
Producer Credits: Robert Wuagneux
Publisher Credits: Robert Wuagneux
Performance Credits: Robert Wuagneux
Label Credits: Independent
Song Length: 3:17
Primary Genre: World-Reggaeton
Secondary Genre: -
Tempo / Feel: Fast (151 - 170)
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal
Subject Matter 1: Life
Subject Matter 2: Pride
Mood 1: Ecstatic
Mood 2: In High Spirits
Similar Artist 1: Paul Simon
Similar Artist 2: Beatles, The
Era: 2000 and later