LyricsEVERY DAY(Music and Lyrics Robert Wuagneux) Deep inside my heart I know that LOVE must be the only TRUTH Jesus loves me, Krishna loves me and I know Allah does too Every day in every way A smile is how I start To show the world the LOVE I feel inside my heart Don't matter your color, gender or faith I treat my sisters and brothers the same loving way Cause every day in every way a smile is how I start To show the world the love I feel DEEP INSIDE my heart LOVE is more than just a noun a person, place or thing Only YOU can give it out Only YOU can let it in It comes in all sizes shapes and kinds What ya don't realize is It all starts in your mind Cause every day in every way a smile is how I start To show the world the love I feel DEEP INSIDE my heart I don't need 10 reasons - I can tell ya that much My soul is freedom - In LOVE I trust When you feel a little lonely, kinda angry and blue That's the time you take and regroup Make the most important part of every day To tell the world around ---I LOVE YOU Jesus loves me, Krishna loves me and I know Allah does too |
Short Song Description: LIFE is BEAUTIFUL--RESPECT and LOVE EVERYONE |
Long Song Description: We are what we think and believe we are. Our personal messages to SELF determine the quality of our thoughts and actions |
Story Behind the Song: I start every day with a LOVING GREETING. I decided to put it to music |
Lyric Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Music Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Producer Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Publisher Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Performance Credits: Robert Wuagneux |
Label Credits: Independent |
Song Length: 3:25 |
Primary Genre: Folk-Americana |
Secondary Genre: Unique-Religious |
Tempo / Feel: Medium Fast (131 - 150) |
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal |
Subject Matter 1: Life |
Subject Matter 2: Gratitude |
Mood 1: Serene |
Mood 2: Engaging |
Language: English |
Era: 2000 and later |